Yuk Intip 9 Tips Bahagia ala Maia Estianty


Beritataterheboh.com -  Sejak menikah dengan pengusaha tajir Irwan Mussry, Maia Estianty terlihat bahagia. Maia kerap menunjukkan momen mesra dan bahkan sering membubuhkan tagar #semakintuasemakinbahagia.

Selain menjadi juri Indonesia Idol, Maia banyak melakukan traveling, berpetualang ke destinasi yang tak biasa. Maia sering juga menghabiskan waktu dengan ketiga jagoannya, Al, El, dan Dul. Sesekali dia hang-out dengan sahabatnya. Lalu apa ya tips bahagia Maia Estianty sebenarnya?

Mantan istri Ahmad Dhani itu membagikan tips bahagia di akun Instagramnya belum lama ini. Tips bahagia tersebut sekaligus resolusinya untuk tahun 2020 ini. Salah satunya Maia bilang dalam hidup jangan banyak mengeluh dan jangan serakah.

"Resolusi thn 2020 adalah : BAHAGIA dan MAKIN BAHAGIA. Gimana caranya?" tulis Maia, dalam unggahan tersebut.

Ia pun membeberkan apa yang dilakukannya selama ini untuk bahagia. Berikut tips dari Maia Estianty.

1. Jangan banyak ngeluh (bersyukur aja, hidup itu apapun keadaannya diterima aja dengan lapang dada, makin complain, makin banyak yang enggak enak datang ke dalam hidupmu).

2. Jangan banyak kekhawatiran tentang hidup (kalau kita beriman, serahkan semua kepada Tuhan, apa yang kita usahakan dan apa yang kita khawatirkan, biar Tuhan yang mengurusinya).

3. Hidup apa adanya dan jadi diri sendiri.

4. Jangan serakah, iri hati, dengki, apalagi nyolong.

5. Jangan lihat masa lalu tapi banyak belajar dari kesalahan masa lalu.

6. Bahagia itu jaga kesehatan.

7. Kumpul keluarga dan sohib yang baik.

8. Bahagia itu teruskan berbuat baik (karena kebaikan itu akan kembali ke diri kita, begitu pula kejahatan).

9. Bahagia itu berkarya

"Ada lagi?" tanyanya pada para pengikut di Instagram.

"Happy Holiday Guys," tulis Maia kemudian.(viva.co.id)

View this post on Instagram

. Resolusi thn 2020 adalah : BAHAGIA dan MAKIN BAHAGIA. Gimana caranya? Kalo cara gw : 1. Jangan banyak ngeluh (bersyukur aja, hidup itu apapun keadaannya diterima aja dengan lapang dada, makin complain, makin banyak yg ga enak dateng kedalam hidupmu) 2. Jangan banyak kekhawatiran ttg hidup ( kalo kita beriman, serahkan semua kepada Tuhan, apa yg kita usahakan, dan apa yg kita khawatirkan, biar Tuhan yang mengurusinya) 3. Hidup apa adanya dan jadi diri sendiri 4. Jangan serakah, iri hati, dengki, apalagi nyolong... 5. Jangan liat masa lalu tapi banyak belajar dari kesalahan masa lalu 6. Bahagia itu jaga kesehatan 7. Kumpul keluarga dan sohib yg baik 8. Bahagia itu teruskan berbuat baik (karena kebaikan itu akan kembali ke diri kita, begitu pula kejahatan) 9. Bahagia itu berkarya 10. Ada lagi ? .... Happy Holiday Guys... #maiaestianty #diarymaia #semakintuasemakinbahagia #happymom #happywifehappylife
A post shared by Maia Estianty (M.E) The Queen (@maiaestiantyreal) on

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/2MKJItW
1-2 A1 RAIL: Jail Standards Reports - with MUG - Valley morning Star

1-2 A1 RAIL: Jail Standards Reports - with MUG - Valley morning Star


Jails have history of violations

Infractions date back to 2014


Staff Writer

BROWNSVILLE — A series of inspections done by state authorities at the Cameron County detention centers detailed violations in the maintenance of life safety equipment and cell supervision over the course of five years.

The inspections took place in November 2019, September 2018, January 2018, October 2016, September 2015, and October 2014. Officials from the Texas Commission on Jail Standards arrive at the facilities unannounced and conduct walk-throughs to determine if the jail is up to health and safety standards.

The commission also conducts checks on employee protocol to ensure that proper policies are being followed while supervising inmates.

According to Sheriff Omar Lucio, the various compliance failures are the result of different inspectors, some with different levels of experience, as well as changing laws that he feels the department tries its best to keep up with.

One violation that was documented multiple times over the course of inspections was the failure of jail staff to maintain life safety equipment — namely the detention center’s fire panel.

In October of this year, the panel at Carrizales-Rucker was red tagged for having eight different trouble alarms. Lucio told The Brownsville Herald in November that the part had been ordered and was ready to be installed.

The jail is still listed as non-compliant on the commission’s website. Lucio said on Wednesday that the department has done all necessary updates and paperwork and is waiting on a follow-up inspection, which will take place in March.

The last inspection date on another fire panel’s tags — this time at the old county jail located at 954 E. Harrison Street in Brownsville — was listed in the November report as being tagged Oct. 19, 2018, exactly one year prior.

The document stated that the date was marked over in an attempt to amend the inspection date from 10/19/2018 to 10/19/2019. Inspectors also specified that the jail administration failed to produce an inspection report.

Smoke detectors were not functioning during an inspection in September 2018. A vendor was on site repairing the smoke detectors at the time the inspection took place, according to the report.

The equipment hadn’t been inspected in nine months due to an issue with county contracts.

Issues with the fire safety equipment were also documented by the commission at both jails in October 2016, September 2015. An additional violation was found at Carrizales in October 2014.

Other documented violations included failure by jail staff to conduct regular cell check and walk-throughs, as well as inmates not being given full one-hour time periods outside of cells each day.

Inspectors also documented inadequate access to exercise, as required by minimum standards.

A January 2018 report indicated that supervisors were not sighing off on mental health screening forms after inmates answered “yes” to a series of listed questions.

The report from November 2019 stated that inmate suicide screening forms were not being completed in their entirety. In addition, the commission found that inmate grievances and appeals were not consistently documented.

Also noted was that surveillance video showed that jailers did not, in fact, conduct face-to-face observations of inmates at Carrizales despite the fact that observation logs indicated otherwise.

In September 2015, the commission documented that numerous inmates were being held in cells in the booking area in excess of the 48-hour time limit — sometimes for a period of up to seven days.

Health standard violations documented over the course of inspections included food pass doors that were found broken and the potential mold and mildew in cell vents.

“One inspector will come through one time, a second will come through another, and they’ll want different things,” said Lucio. “We try our best to accommodate those requests and maintain compliance.”

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January 02, 2020 at 07:26AM

1-2 A1 RAIL: Jail Standards Reports - with MUG - Valley morning Star
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Yuni Shara dan 6 Selebriti Indonesia Ini Curhat Rumahnya Kebanjiran Setelah Lama Tak Kena Banjir


Beritataterheboh.com - Tingginya curah hujan wilayah di Jabodetabek menyebabkan beberapa wilayah mengalami kebanjiran di awal tahun 2020 ini. Beberapa selebriti Tanah Air pun terlihat menjadi korban kebanjiran.

1. Sinyorita

Rumah Sinyorita telah terendam banjir sejak pagi hari. Ia dan keluarga terlihat telah membereskan beberapa barang penting. Ia mengakui bahwa banjir terakhir kali menggenang rumahnya pada 2002 silam.

2. Tita Toon
"Air oh Air, Jekerdaaahhh oh Jekerdaaahhh," tulis Tina Toon di Instagram Storiesnya.

Kondisi kediamaan Tina Toon di kawasan Kelapa Gading juga tak luput dari banjir. Artis yang juga beprofesi sebagai wakil rakyat ini menyampaikan beberapa informasi untuk penyaluran bantuan melalui Instagramnya.

3. Maya Septha

Maya Septha dan keluarga besar tengah siaga menghadapi banjir. Ia membagikan kondisi perumahannya yang terkena banjir serta kondisi di rumah dengan beberapa alat elektronik yang ikut terendam air.  Ia juga mengatakan bahwa banjir terakhir terjadi pada tahun 2009

4. Nycta Gina

Nycta Gina membagikan kondisi terkini garasi rumahnya. Beberapa kendaraan pribadi miliknya terlihat tergenang banjir. 

"Hadiah tahun baru... Inna Lilaahi wa innaa ilaihi raaji'uun..." tulisnya di kolom caption.

5. Rian D'Masiv

Rian D'Masiv juga membagikan perjuangannya menerobos banjir yang setinggi dada orang dewasa. Ia bersama rekannya terlihat membawa koper dan perlengkapan keluar rumah. Banjir tak menyurutkan semangat menjalani rutinitas. 

Beberapa jam lalu Yuni Shara mengejutkan publik dengan unggahan foto kondisi di dalam rumahnya yang terendam banjir. Ibu dua anak ini terlihat siaga dengan mengenakan sepatu boots dan kaos sembari menunggu air surut. 

Terakhir ada Audy Item yang juga mengabarkan kondisi banjir di daerah perumahannya di kawasan Summarecon Bekasi. Istri Iko Uwais ini juga menyampaikan bahwa banjir kali ini yang pertama baginya. 

Semoga banjir segera surut. Kondisi keluarga dan rumah tetap dalam keadaan aman. Stay safe.

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/35baORr

Postingan Irwansyah & Ibunda Dikaitkan dengan Medina Zein Narkoba, Zaskia Sungkar Beri Respon Telak


Beritaterheboh.com - Zaskia Sungkar mengunggah postingan di Instagram terkait dirinya dan keluarganya yang kerap dikaitkan dengan Medina Zein yang kini ditahan akibat kasus Narkoba.

Setelah Medina Zein jadi tersangka, Irwansyah dan Fanny Bauty memosting unggahan di Instagram yang diduga untuk bekas rival Zaskia Sungkar.

Seperti diketahui, Zaskia Sungkar dan Medina Zein ini sempat berseteru soal penggelapan uang yang diduga dilakukan Irwansyah.

Kini setelah keduanya berdamai, tiba-tiba Medina Zein ditangkap polisi akibat Narkoba, pada Senin (30/12/2019).

"Ini pengembangannya kemudian yang bersangkutan kami sudah lakukan pemeriksaan, dan juga kami tes urine, positif mengandung amfetamin, ya."

"Urine itu positif memang yang bersangkutan itu pemakai," ungkap Kabid Humas Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus  di Polda Metro Jaya, Jakarta Selatan, dilansir Kompas.com.

Bahkan postingan Fanny Bauty, ibunda Zaskia Sungkar yang singgung doa terzalimi pun jadi sorotan.

Pasalnya, banyak yang menanggap unggahan Fanny Bauty ini ditujukan untuk Medina Zein yang seolah menuai karma.

“Dalam Islam tidak ada karma, biasanya kalau kita berbuat kesalahan atau menzolimi seseorang itu apalagi orang itu berdoa, di jalan Allah gitu ya. Itu sih biasanya langsung dibalas sama Allah di dunia,” kata Fanny Bauty, ibunda Zaskia Sungkar saat dihubungi awak media, Senin (30/12/2019).

Fanny Bauty pun mengingatkan, agar siapapun sebaiknya tidak berbuat jahat.

Ia juga mengakui, mengenal betul sang menantu, Irwansyah yang dianggapnya tak mungkin melakukan perbuatan merugikan orang lain.

Tak hanya memberi pernytaan kepada media, Fanny Bauty pun menuliskan caption di Instagramnya soal doa yang mustajab atau dikabulkan Allah.

"Tiga waktu yang diijabahi (dikabulkan) doa yang tidak diragukan adalah orang yang terzolimi, doa orang musafir dan doa orang tua pada anaknya," tulis Fanny Bauty.

Alhasil, postingan ibunda Zaskia Sungkar ini pun langsung ramai perbincangan.

Bahkan Sarah Azhari kakak ipar Medina Zein pun langsung semprot ibunda Zaskia Sungkar

“Doa? Untuk menyumpah org lain? Ibu anda salah..anda mengaku doa anda diijabah agar org lain terlihat buruk? Ingat bu Allah tidak tidur..,” tulis Sarah di Instagram Story-nya. “Sebagai muslim dan mukmin anda salah mendoaan org agar celaka..Allah menegur manusia dengan caraNyabukan karena DOA dan Hati ibu yg kotor.” tulis Sarah Azhari

Setelah itu, Fanny Bauty langsung menghapus postingan Instagramnya.

Selama ini Zaskia Sungkar memang tak mau buka sura terkait kasus Medina Zein soal Narkoba.

Namun ketika kasus Medina Zein terjerat Narkoba ini disangkutpautkan dnegan dirinya dan keluarga, Zaskia Sungkar tak tinggal diam.

Melampirkan fotonya bersama Irwansyah, Zaskia Sungkar mengaku dirinya dan sang suami ini hanya makhluk yang penuh dosa yang sedang ditutupi aibnya oleh Allah.

"Kami Hanya makhluk Allah yang penuh dosa , yg Allah tutupi aib aib nya .
Jgn pernah merasa sempurna ..," tulis Zaskia Sungkar, dilansir TribunnewsBogor.com, Rabu (1/1/2020).

Maka dari itu, Zaskia Sungkar meminta agar media dan netizen jangan pernah mengaitkan postingan-postingan tersebut dengan kasus Medina Zein

Istri Irwansyah ini pun meminta agar jangan berbahagia diatas kesedihan orang lain.

"cukup ya teman2 yang Allah lindungi dan Rahmati , jangan tulis hal2 negative apa lagi ngait2 tin berita demi memuaskan para pembaca ,

jangan berbahagia diatas kesedihan orang lain , ingatlah kawan ..semudah itu Allah membalikan telapaknya ..

Alangkah indah nya ketika kita serahkan isi hati kita kepada sang pemilik segalanya .. seberat apapun beban mu akan terasa ringan ketika bertasbih kepadaNYA

Semoga Allah terus melembutkan hati kita semu," tandas Zaskia Sungkar.

Artikel ini telah tayang di tribunnewsbogor.com dengan judul Postingan Irwansyah & Ibunda Dikaitkan dengan Medina Zein Narkoba, Zaskia Sungkar Beri Pesan

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/37qnB3V
Ranking 2020 NFL head coaching candidates: Lincoln Riley, Kevin Stefanski among top 10 options - CBS Sports

Ranking 2020 NFL head coaching candidates: Lincoln Riley, Kevin Stefanski among top 10 options - CBS Sports

Ranking 2020 NFL head coaching candidates: Lincoln Riley, Kevin Stefanski among top 10 options - CBS Sports

While 16 teams prepare to begin their journey toward the Super Bowl, a handful of others are preparing to give their coaching staffs a makeover.

Some, like the Washington Redskins, got a head start on the process, what with their in-season dismissal of Jay Gruden and then, this week, a reported five-year agreement with ex-Carolina Panthers head coach Ron Rivera.

Others, however, are still on the prowl for a new name to lead them into 2020.

Here's our look at the top 10 candidates to fill some of those head-coaching vacancies, with a few honorable mentions to start:

Honorable mentions

  • Leslie Frazier (Buffalo Bills defensive coordinator)
  • Don Martindale (Baltimore Ravens linebackers)
  • Marvin Lewis (Arizona State special adviser)
  • Mike Pettine (Green Bay Packers defensive coordinator)
  • Kris Richard (Dallas Cowboys defensive passing game coordinator)

10. Robert Saleh

Age: 40
Position: San Francisco 49ers defensive coordinator

NFL: San Francisco 49ers at Los Angeles Rams
Robert Saleh USATSI

If anyone knows defense, it's Saleh. The fiery assistant has come up under some dominant defensive minds, spending time with Dan Quinn in Seattle (2011-2013) and Gus Bradley in Jacksonville (2014-2016) before taking charge of San Francisco's unit in 2017. He's only ever worked that side of the ball, so he'd need a solid staff around him, but he's also got the kind of explosive personality that players could rally behind.

9. Greg Roman

Age: 47
Position: Baltimore Ravens offensive coordinator

Few coordinators have tailored their offenses to their talent as well as Roman in recent years. The former offensive line and tight ends assistant has overseen big years from Colin Kaepernick, Tyrod Taylor and Lamar Jackson, building a reputation as a genius of run-based attacks. It's hard to project how he'd handle a more prototypical quarterback or manage an entire locker room. But he's not lacking in creativity.

8. Josh McDaniels

Age: 43
Position: New England Patriots offensive coordinator

NFL: New England Patriots at Baltimore Ravens
Josh McDaniels USATSI

Whenever someone backs out of a commitment like McDaniels did in 2018, retreating from the Colts' head coaching gig despite publicly accepting it, you're going to have questions about leadership. The longtime offensive whiz also struggled in his only other head job with Denver (2009-2010). But he's still got a ton of experience working under the best in the business and is young enough to forge his own legacy.

7. Matt Rhule

Age: 44
Position: Baylor head coach

College coaches are a gamble, and Rhule's head-coaching record prior to 2019 was a measly 36-40. But he's also essentially turned two separate programs into contenders. A respected personality in both Philadelphia and Waco, he led Temple to a pair of division titles, then took Baylor from a 1-11 team to an 11-2 Sugar Bowl challenger in two years. He'd be a spirited addition for a team looking to kick off a rebuild.

6. Lincoln Riley

Age: 36
Position: Oklahoma head coach

While we're on college coaches, NFL teams probably shouldn't be eyeing anyone harder than Riley. A former quarterback himself, he's been nothing but incredibly consistent at the helm of the Sooners staff, compiling three straight 12-2 seasons to start his head coaching career. An adjustment to the pros would still be cause for pause, but if anyone's proven they're capable of managing a team, it's the former Bob Stoops disciple.

5. Kevin Stefanski

Age: 37
Position: Minnesota Vikings offensive coordinator

Kevin Stefanski USATSI

Maybe the most underrated name on the list, Stefanski has the prototypical makeup of a future head coach. He's still young and has been Minnesota's OC for less than two full seasons, but he helped correct John DeFilippo's inability to get the most out of Kirk Cousins in a hurry. Not only that, but he's been unusually loyal on the come-up, first joining the Vikings as an assistant to the head coach in 2006. He also comes from a team-management family; his father, Ed, is a former NBA executive.

4. Dave Toub

Age: 57
Position: Kansas City Chiefs assistant head coach/special teams coordinator

He's either tried to steer clear of top jobs or simply been overlooked for them, but Toub still stands out as one of the most qualified candidates. His specialty is special teams, which means he'd need a strong supporting cast, but he's one of the most trusted veterans of Andy Reid's staff. In every one of his jobs with the Eagles (2001-2003), Bears (2004-2012) and Chiefs (2013-present), he's been heralded for his steady leadership.

3. Mike McCarthy

Age: 56
Position: Former Green Bay Packers head coach

Mike McCarthy USATSI

People love to rail against McCarthy for how he "wasted" Aaron Rodgers in Green Bay, only once advancing to the Super Bowl in a 13-year tenure atop the Packers staff. But you don't just stumble upon offensive minds who can lead nine different trips to the playoffs. McCarthy spent all of 2019 preparing for his return to the NFL, and he's smart enough to adapt to his next job. His experience simply cannot be ignored and his development of Rodgers -- specifically from a footwork standpoint -- also can't be ignored.

2. Matt Eberflus

Age: 49
Position: Indianapolis Colts defensive coordinator

A longtime Toledo and Missouri assistant before coming to the NFL, Eberflus spent seven years coaching the Cowboys linebackers ahead of his first pro coordinator gig in Indy. With the Colts, however, he's gone big-time, with the front office crediting him not only for keeping the defense afloat but significantly elevating the team's culture in the wake of McDaniels' 2018 exit. Energetic and disciplined, he's Frank Reich's most well-rounded companion.

1. Eric Bieniemy

Age: 50
Position: Kansas City Chiefs offensive coordinator

Eric Bieniemy USATSI

A former NFL running back, he should easily be among the most tantalizing options on the market. After overseeing the start of Adrian Peterson's career as the Vikings' RBs coach (2006-2010), Bieniemy spent two years with Colorado and then coached up Jamaal Charles as K.C.'s RBs coach (2013-2017), before helping guide Reid's Chiefs to a record offensive output alongside MVP Patrick Mahomes in 2018, his first as the offensive coordinator. Like Doug Pederson, his experience as a game-planner under Reid should make him attractive -- and another fine addition to the growing Reid coaching tree.

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2020-01-01 13:00:00Z
Ranking 2020 NFL head coaching candidates: Lincoln Riley, Kevin Stefanski among top 10 options - CBS Sports

Ranking 2020 NFL head coaching candidates: Lincoln Riley, Kevin Stefanski among top 10 options - CBS Sports

Ranking 2020 NFL head coaching candidates: Lincoln Riley, Kevin Stefanski among top 10 options - CBS Sports

While 16 teams prepare to begin their journey toward the Super Bowl, a handful of others are preparing to give their coaching staffs a makeover.

Some, like the Washington Redskins, got a head start on the process, what with their in-season dismissal of Jay Gruden and then, this week, a reported five-year agreement with ex-Carolina Panthers head coach Ron Rivera.

Others, however, are still on the prowl for a new name to lead them into 2020.

Here's our look at the top 10 candidates to fill some of those head-coaching vacancies, with a few honorable mentions to start:

Honorable mentions

  • Leslie Frazier (Buffalo Bills defensive coordinator)
  • Don Martindale (Baltimore Ravens linebackers)
  • Marvin Lewis (Arizona State special adviser)
  • Mike Pettine (Green Bay Packers defensive coordinator)
  • Kris Richard (Dallas Cowboys defensive passing game coordinator)

10. Robert Saleh

Age: 40
Position: San Francisco 49ers defensive coordinator

NFL: San Francisco 49ers at Los Angeles Rams
Robert Saleh USATSI

If anyone knows defense, it's Saleh. The fiery assistant has come up under some dominant defensive minds, spending time with Dan Quinn in Seattle (2011-2013) and Gus Bradley in Jacksonville (2014-2016) before taking charge of San Francisco's unit in 2017. He's only ever worked that side of the ball, so he'd need a solid staff around him, but he's also got the kind of explosive personality that players could rally behind.

9. Greg Roman

Age: 47
Position: Baltimore Ravens offensive coordinator

Few coordinators have tailored their offenses to their talent as well as Roman in recent years. The former offensive line and tight ends assistant has overseen big years from Colin Kaepernick, Tyrod Taylor and Lamar Jackson, building a reputation as a genius of run-based attacks. It's hard to project how he'd handle a more prototypical quarterback or manage an entire locker room. But he's not lacking in creativity.

8. Josh McDaniels

Age: 43
Position: New England Patriots offensive coordinator

NFL: New England Patriots at Baltimore Ravens
Josh McDaniels USATSI

Whenever someone backs out of a commitment like McDaniels did in 2018, retreating from the Colts' head coaching gig despite publicly accepting it, you're going to have questions about leadership. The longtime offensive whiz also struggled in his only other head job with Denver (2009-2010). But he's still got a ton of experience working under the best in the business and is young enough to forge his own legacy.

7. Matt Rhule

Age: 44
Position: Baylor head coach

College coaches are a gamble, and Rhule's head-coaching record prior to 2019 was a measly 36-40. But he's also essentially turned two separate programs into contenders. A respected personality in both Philadelphia and Waco, he led Temple to a pair of division titles, then took Baylor from a 1-11 team to an 11-2 Sugar Bowl challenger in two years. He'd be a spirited addition for a team looking to kick off a rebuild.

6. Lincoln Riley

Age: 36
Position: Oklahoma head coach

While we're on college coaches, NFL teams probably shouldn't be eyeing anyone harder than Riley. A former quarterback himself, he's been nothing but incredibly consistent at the helm of the Sooners staff, compiling three straight 12-2 seasons to start his head coaching career. An adjustment to the pros would still be cause for pause, but if anyone's proven they're capable of managing a team, it's the former Bob Stoops disciple.

5. Kevin Stefanski

Age: 37
Position: Minnesota Vikings offensive coordinator

Kevin Stefanski USATSI

Maybe the most underrated name on the list, Stefanski has the prototypical makeup of a future head coach. He's still young and has been Minnesota's OC for less than two full seasons, but he helped correct John DeFilippo's inability to get the most out of Kirk Cousins in a hurry. Not only that, but he's been unusually loyal on the come-up, first joining the Vikings as an assistant to the head coach in 2006. He also comes from a team-management family; his father, Ed, is a former NBA executive.

4. Dave Toub

Age: 57
Position: Kansas City Chiefs assistant head coach/special teams coordinator

He's either tried to steer clear of top jobs or simply been overlooked for them, but Toub still stands out as one of the most qualified candidates. His specialty is special teams, which means he'd need a strong supporting cast, but he's one of the most trusted veterans of Andy Reid's staff. In every one of his jobs with the Eagles (2001-2003), Bears (2004-2012) and Chiefs (2013-present), he's been heralded for his steady leadership.

3. Mike McCarthy

Age: 56
Position: Former Green Bay Packers head coach

Mike McCarthy USATSI

People love to rail against McCarthy for how he "wasted" Aaron Rodgers in Green Bay, only once advancing to the Super Bowl in a 13-year tenure atop the Packers staff. But you don't just stumble upon offensive minds who can lead nine different trips to the playoffs. McCarthy spent all of 2019 preparing for his return to the NFL, and he's smart enough to adapt to his next job. His experience simply cannot be ignored and his development of Rodgers -- specifically from a footwork standpoint -- also can't be ignored.

2. Matt Eberflus

Age: 49
Position: Indianapolis Colts defensive coordinator

A longtime Toledo and Missouri assistant before coming to the NFL, Eberflus spent seven years coaching the Cowboys linebackers ahead of his first pro coordinator gig in Indy. With the Colts, however, he's gone big-time, with the front office crediting him not only for keeping the defense afloat but significantly elevating the team's culture in the wake of McDaniels' 2018 exit. Energetic and disciplined, he's Frank Reich's most well-rounded companion.

1. Eric Bieniemy

Age: 50
Position: Kansas City Chiefs offensive coordinator

Eric Bieniemy USATSI

A former NFL running back, he should easily be among the most tantalizing options on the market. After overseeing the start of Adrian Peterson's career as the Vikings' RBs coach (2006-2010), Bieniemy spent two years with Colorado and then coached up Jamaal Charles as K.C.'s RBs coach (2013-2017), before helping guide Reid's Chiefs to a record offensive output alongside MVP Patrick Mahomes in 2018, his first as the offensive coordinator. Like Doug Pederson, his experience as a game-planner under Reid should make him attractive -- and another fine addition to the growing Reid coaching tree.

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2020-01-01 13:00:00Z

Kontrakan Supirnya Kebanjiran, Nikita Mirzani Sindir Anies Baswedan


Beritaterheboh.com -  Nikita Mirzani mengeluh kepada Gubernur DKI. Jakarta, Anies Baswedan kawasan rumahnya tidak luput dari kebanjiran.

Hal tersebut diungkap melalui instastory-nya pribadinya. Bahkan dia juga memposting video supir pribadinya yang kontrakannya sudah kemasukan air.

"Pak @aniesbaswedan gimana ini nasib supir saya Pak Nunung. Dari semalam gak tidur itu. Kelelep banjir kontrakannya. Kasihan Pak Anies. Pak Nunung itu udah tua. Mana giginya ompong lagi, lelah dia airnya nggak surut-surut, duh alemong pingsan itu aki2,'' tulis Nikita Mirzani.

Tidak hanya itu dipostingan lainnya dia memasang video di sekitar rumahnya sudah terendam banjir.

"Selamat tahun baru 2020," tulisnya.

Berbeda dengan feed instagram Nikita Mirzani, dia memposting foto kebersamaan buah hatinya. Namun dia sedikit menyentil gubernur DKI. Jakarta itu.

"Best view 2020. Tapi pak jakarta kelelep @aniesbaswedan
Rumah saya smp kemasukan air. Untung uler ga pada berenang," tulis Nikita Mirzani.(suara.com)

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/39t7Xqp