訪問|渣打溫拓思︰香港區業務具韌性整體信貸損失可控 - 香港01

訪問|渣打溫拓思︰香港區業務具韌性整體信貸損失可控 - 香港01


新冠疫情持續,加之環球處於低息環境,令銀行業營運帶來巨大挑戰。不過,渣打集團(2888)行政總裁溫拓思(Bill Winters)在香港會見傳媒時表示,透過改善旗下負債組合,可緩解低息環境帶來的衝擊,他又指香港業務具韌性,中港財富管理業務持續反彈,有助帶動集團表現。




香港區除稅前基本盈利3.32億元,按年跌26.7%,按季則升1.53%。溫拓思形容香港區表現具具「韌性」,雖然經過去年的社會不穩,今年的新冠肺炎疫情,港區表現亦只是放慢。他續指,疫情下客戶信貸拖欠有輕微上升, 然而整體信貸損失處可應付的水平。中小企客戶方面,溫拓思指他們是最受疫情影響的一群,信貸損失有增加,但仍屬可控。







香港區系統基建 料數年後全雲端作業



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November 02, 2020 at 07:00AM

訪問|渣打溫拓思︰香港區業務具韌性整體信貸損失可控 - 香港01

정지원 거래소 이사장 차기 손해보험협회장 단독후보 - 한국경제TV

정지원 거래소 이사장 차기 손해보험협회장 단독후보 - 한국경제TV


정지원 한국거래소 이사장이 손해보험협회 차기 회장 후보로 단독 추천을 받았다.
2일 업계에 따르면 이날 손해보험협회 회장후보추천위원회는 3차 회의를 통해 정 이사장을 차기 회장 단독 후보로 결정했다.
손해보험협회는 다음 주에 총회를 열어 정 이사장을 회장으로 선임할 것으로 보인다.
정 이사장은 서울대 경제학과를 졸업하고 1986년 재무부에서 공직을 시작했다.
이후 금융감독위원회 은행감독과장, 금융위원회 금융서비스국장을 거쳐 2014년에 금융위원회 상임위원을 지냈다.
2017년에 거래소 이사장에 선임됐으며 이달 1일로 임기를 마쳤다.
앞서 회장후보추천위원회 2차 회의에서는 정지원 이사장 등 5명이 위원들의 추천을 받았으며, 그 가운데 진웅섭 전 금융감독원장(61·행시 28회)은 손보협회장 후보를 고사한 것으로 전해졌다.
현 김용덕 회장의 공식 임기는 5일까지다.
핀하기 페이스북 트위터 카카오스토리 블로그 링크 복사 링크 복사


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미 상무부, 법원 제동에도 "틱톡 금지명령 고수" - 한국경제

미 상무부, 법원 제동에도 "틱톡 금지명령 고수" - 한국경제

틱톡과 기술거래 금지 명령했다가 법원서 막혀
미 상무부, 법원 제동에도 "틱톡 금지명령 고수"
미국 상무부가 법원의 금지명령에도 틱톡 거래금지 조처를 고수하겠다는 입장을 밝혔다고 로이터통신이 1일(현지시간) 전했다.

통신에 따르면 상무부는 이날 "법원에 명령을 따르겠다"라면서도 "법적 도전으로부터 (틱톡 거래금지) 행정명령과 이를 실행하려는 노력을 고수할 방침"이라고 밝혔다.

앞서 상무부는 이달 12일부터 미국에서 틱톡의 데이터 호스팅과 콘텐츠 전송 서비스 등 기술거래를 금지하는 명령을 내렸다.

이는 사실상 미국에서 틱톡의 사용을 막는 조처로 풀이됐다.

도널드 트럼프 행정부는 틱톡으로 1억 명의 미국인 사용자 개인정보가 중국 정부에 넘어갈 수 있다며 미국 내 사용을 막는 조치를 취해왔다.

그런데 펜실베이니아주(州) 동부연방지방법원이 지난달 30일 미국 상무부의 틱톡 거래금지 행정명령에 대해 금지명령을 내려 제동을 걸었다.

동부연방지방법원은 앱스토어에서 틱톡 애플리케이션 다운로드를 금지하는 행정명령도 중단시켰다.

당시 웬디 비틀스톤 판사는 "틱톡 앱이 국가안보에 가한다는 위협에 대한 정부의 설명이 추정적이다"라고 지적했다.

법원이 행정부의 '틱톡 퇴출' 노력을 멈춰 세운 것은 두 번째였다.

동부연방지방법원에 앞서 지난달 27일 워싱턴DC 항소법원이 틱톡 다운로드 금지명령의 효력을 잠정 중단하는 '예비적 금지명령'을 내렸다.

틱톡 모회사 중국 바이트댄스는 월마트-오라클과 미국 내 틱톡 처분방안을 논의하고 있다.

바이트댄스는 지난달 미국 내 사업을 담당할 '틱톡 글로벌'을 설립하고 월마트-오라클과 지분매각 협상을 벌이고 있으나, 양측은 과반 지분을 보유할 쪽 등을 포함한 핵심 조항을 두고 이견을 좁히지 못하는 것으로 알려졌다.


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기사 및 더 읽기 ( 미 상무부, 법원 제동에도 "틱톡 금지명령 고수" - 한국경제 )
As COVID-19 speeds up automation, what does the future hold for non-tech job seekers? - CNA

As COVID-19 speeds up automation, what does the future hold for non-tech job seekers? - CNA


SINGAPORE: Technology - it is one of the few sectors still hiring despite the COVID-19 economic fallout; it is what has enabled many employees to work from home amid the pandemic; it could also displace many jobs over the next few years. 

According to the World Economic Forum in its latest Future of Jobs report released in October, half of the businesses surveyed plan to accelerate the automation of jobs in their companies.

Forty-three per cent indicated that they are set to reduce their workforce over the next few years due to technology integration, while 34 per cent said they plan to expand their workforce for the same reason.

"By 2025, the time spent on current tasks at work by humans and machines will be equal," said the WEF report. 

READ: COVID-19 pandemic speeds labour shift from humans to robots, WEF survey finds

Technology-based jobs populate the top 20 in a list of emerging jobs, from data analysts to robotics engineers. Those that are increasingly redundant include accountants, human resource specialists and relationship managers. 

The report is based on a survey of senior management leaders from nearly 300 companies worldwide - including 29 with operations in Singapore. Data was collected between January and September this year. 

World economic forum figure 22 graph
Findings from the World Economic Forum's Future of Job's 2020 report on the top 20 emerging and declining jobs. 

So in a future where technology dominates work processes, what do employment prospects look like for people who cannot tell the difference between Python and Java? 

It is not necessary for most people to master coding or learn to build software, tech industry players and recruitment experts told CNA, although they noted that it is important to be able to use the latest technological tools that relate to an employee's job function.

Even in a technology firm, non-tech roles like public relations and product design executives will still be necessary in the future - and employees are required to have strong communication skills or a good eye, said Mr Alex Teo, the people experience and government relations lead at online cashback platform ShopBack. It has 150 employees in Singapore and about 500 in nine territories.

Even then, some basic level of coding or data analysis might be required of most of its employees going forward, he said. For example, his finance and marketing teams need to know programming language to enable them to pull out information about transactions or create email newsletters.

“So knowledge of those coding languages … I think going forward. That may be the expectation for (most people),” Mr Teo said. 

READ: Singapore’s jobless rate climbs to 3.6%; more than 20,000 retrenched year-to-date

Similarly, co-founder of digital wealth manager Stashaway Michele Ferrario said many roles in the company do not need technical know-how, such as those in marketing, compliance and client engagement. 

Digital tools these departments use, like customer relationship management systems, have also become more user-friendly and intuitive over the years, he added.

Nonetheless, there are business development or strategy positions where data analysis is required and “being able to code will make you faster”, he said.

Stashaway currently has around 130 employees across five territories, with more than half of them in Singapore. Headcount is likely to increase to 200 plus or more than 300 in the next few years, Mr Ferrario said.

Rather than focus on becoming a computing expert, workers should put their energy into finding out how technology will affect their roles and learn to use the latest digital tools, industry players said. 

READ: Companies hunt for talent as Singapore tech sector continues to grow

“Tech jobs do not always mean coding or software development. There is a range of jobs in tech, such as product management, digital marketing, data analytics, user experience design (and more),” said Ms Aziza Sheerin, the Asia senior regional director of General Assembly, an educational organisation that runs classes in technology. 

“What is important is for people to understand how to leverage tech in their roles now,” she said.

GA Aziza Sheerin
General Assembly's senior regional director of Asia Aziza Sheerin. (Photo: General Assembly)

“I think tech is an enabler, but it doesn't really mean that you have to be a hardcore technical person … the key message is the ability to adapt and change,” said Mr Eric Heung, a manager of supply chain and procurement at recruitment firm Robert Walters. He cited the example of marketing executives who were used to print advertising strategies having to now grasp the idea of social media campaigns. 

“If they are not interested in tech, they should still think about how is technology going to change their function, what they're doing, or their industry,” he said. 

Ms Feon Ang, LinkedIn’s Asia Pacific vice-president of talent and learning solutions, said the best way to future-proof yourself is to pick up both technical skills and “soft skills” - interpersonal skills related to traits like creativity and persuasiveness.

“Most jobs today require professionals today to possess basic digital skills and we know there will also be demand for professionals with deeper technical skills as businesses adapt to the changing environment,” she said, referring to how COVID-19 has led to a working environment heavily reliant on technology. 

READ: Singapore can be 'a more digital, more resilient advanced manufacturing base' for the world: DPM Heng

READ: Challenging job-hunting landscape as recruitment agencies see fewer vacancies and more applications

Data collected by LinkedIn from its users found that between June and August, software engineers were most in demand in Singapore, based on the proportion of hires with this job title. And among the top three most important skills was the ability to use coding languages JavaScript or Java. 

To support such roles, Ms Ang said there will be a need for professionals who are able to conduct collaboration and manage teams across a digital space, which is where the “soft skills” come in. 


Even before the pandemic hit, some in Singapore have jumped on the coding bandwagon.

Mr Koh Han Seng enrolled in SG Code Campus in March to learn how to use Python and is now in the next level of classes diving into data analytics. 

Apart from using his programming expertise to invest in the stock market, the 52-year-old said he took up the courses as he plans to work as a business consultant. The potential new role, he believes, will require him to scrutinise and sort through data. 

Ms Siti Herda Nuryani Nasir, a former customer service officer with Singapore Airlines, got herself into General Assembly’s software engineering course in March last year as a way of switching careers. 

Like Mr Koh, Ms Nuryani said it was a steep learning curve, jumping into studying something so technical and completely new to her.

What helped to keep them going, they said, was the motivation to learn. 

“I have always been interested in programming, (so) I enjoyed all the time I put into practising and learning more about it,” said Ms Nuryani, who is now a junior software engineer at start-up Online Pajak. “I think being able to enjoy what you are going to do most of your time is also really important.”

Siti Herda Nuryani Nasir GA
Previously a customer service officer with Singapore Airlines, Siti Herda Nuryani Nasir is now a junior software engineer at start-up Online Pajak. (Photo: Siti Herda Nuryani Nasir)

Representatives from the schools said it is possible for anyone to become a coder or software developer. 

Although having a science, engineering or mathematics background does give students a leg up in the classroom, General Assembly’s Ms Sheerin pointed out that she has seen students from non-technical backgrounds graduate and find a job after that. 

One of them was a cabin crew member who studied software engineering and is now a developer at a bank; another moved from being an architect to a user experience designer. 

Founder of SG Code Campus Ian Choo agreed that while being more math or science-inclined is helpful in some areas of technology, like machine learning or data science, the outcomes of its three-month boot camps in other aspects like mobile or Web programming is proof that it is possible for anyone to make the switch.

SG Code Campus
A class conducted by SG Code Campus in February this year. (Photo: SG Code Campus) 

“Both competency and interest can definitely be nurtured,” said Ms Sheerin. What her five years at General Assembly have shown is that students need to have enough motivation to see through their training long enough to gain competency, she added.

There is no “cookie-cutter approach” to developing an interest in technology, but taking a broader view of hobbies helps, she said, noting that some people who were very much into playing video games decided they want to build games themselves, while others who were active in community service wanted to figure out how to apply technology to their work. 

“I see interest as (something that can be developed) because it’s something that’s within the control of the instructor,” said Mr Choo. “I think it really boils down to - are you convinced that it is useful. And then if you are convinced that it is useful, is it worth your time? And in the process of learning it, do you find it fun?”

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Article From & Read More ( As COVID-19 speeds up automation, what does the future hold for non-tech job seekers? - CNA )
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November 02, 2020 at 07:05AM

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Tergiur Kaya Raya Instan, Dokter Ini Beli Lampu Ajaib Rp 4,8 Miliar, Belakangan Sadar Tertipu


Beritaterheboh.com - Tergiur kaya raya secara instan, seorang dokter di Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India, jadi korban penipuan.

Ia membeli lampu ajaib yang disebut-sebut mampu mengeluarkan jin dan mengabulkan segala macam permintaan. Harga lampu ajaib itu 335.000 dollar AS (Rp 4,8 miliar).

Pelaku penipuan ada dua orang. Mereka bernama Islamuddin dan Anees.

Keduanya dilaporkan telah berhasil ditangkap sebagaimana dilansir dari Oddity Central, Jumat (30/10/2020).

Kisah penipuan bermula ketika seorang dokter bernama Laeek Khan tersebut menemui pasien bernama Sameena di rumahnya untuk membalut lukanya pasca-operasi.

Ketika di rumah pasien itulah dia bertemu dengan Islamuddin yang mengaku memiliki kekuatan magis.

Islamuddin lantas membual bahwa dia bisa membuat Khan kaya raya melalui jin yang bisa mengabulkan segala macam permintaan yang keluar dari Lampu Aladdin.

Beberapa waktu kemudian, Islamuddin lalu memperkenalkan Khan dengan Anees. Islamuddin dan Anees lantas lantas menawari Khan sebuah Lampu Aladdin dengan harga 335.000 dollar AS (Rp 4,8 miliar).

Khan lalu setuju untuk membelinya namun dengan cara dicicil.

Ketiganya membuat perjanjian bahwa Khan hanya boleh menyentuh Lampu Aladdin tersebut jika cicilannya sudah lunas.

Setelah mencicil cukup banyak, Khan ingin menyentuh Lampu Aladdin tersebut namun segera ditolak oleh Islamuddin.

Islamuddin mengatakan bahwa menyentuh Lampu Aladdin sebelum cicilannya lunas hanya akan menimbulkan hal yang buruk.

Berulangkali Khan meminta untuk menyentuh lampu tersebut namun terus menerus ditolak oleh Islamuddin dan Anees.

Setelah terus ditolak, Khan akhirnya menyadari bawah dia telah ditipu lalu melapor kepada kepolisian.

Dia mengatakan bahwa baik Islamuddin dan Anees terdengar sangat meyakinkan sehingga dia percaya saja.

Islamuddin dan Anees lalu dibekuk oleh oleh polisi dan lampu "ajaib" tersebut disita.

Polisi juga mencoba menggosok Lampu Aladin tersebut dan memang tidak ada jin yang keluar darinya. Polisi kini juga memburu Sameena yang ternyata merupakan istri Islamuddin.

Artikel ini telah tayang di Kompas.com dengan judul Tergiur Jadi Kaya Raya, Dokter Ini Tertipu Membeli Lampu Aladdin Rp 4,8 Miliar(Kompas.com)

from Berita Heboh https://ift.tt/3kOd8qf