Pemilik Toko Tolak Penghapusan Plang Bahasa Arab di Puncak, Ini Alasannya

20.13 - Rencana Pemkab Bogor melakukan penertiban plang nama usaha bertuliskan bahasa Arab di Kampung, Cisampay atau Warung Kaleng, Desa Tugu Utara dan Tugu Selatan, Kecamatan Cisarua, mendapatkan penolakan dari pemilik toko.

Mereka menilai rencana Pemkab Bogor ini hanya mencari sensasi tanpa memahami kondisi yang sebenarnya.

Pemilik Toko Sampay, Dian (45) mengatakan, rencana Pemkab menertibkan reklame bertuliskan bahasa Arab dinilai terlalu mengada-ngada. Tidak paham kondisi yang terjadi sebenarnya. Sebab, kawasan ini memang menjadi tujuan wisatawan asal Timur Tengah. Khususnya warga Arab Saudi.

Tentunya dengan dipasang plang bertulisan Arab akan memudahkan para wisatawan untuk berbelanja mencari kebutuhan mereka.

“Jadi mereka tidak harus bertanya-tanya lagi. Dengan tulisan Arab, mereka bisa memahami apa yang dijual dan apa saja yang ada di toko tersebut,” katanya saat ditemui Radar Bogor, Minggu (29/12/2019).

Dian menuturkan, jika alasan kimpoi kontrak, harusnya bukan reklame atau kaca ruko bertuliskan Arab yang jadi sasaran Pemkab Bogor. Menurutnya, tidak ada korelasi reklame dengan kawin kontrak.

“Mending Pemkab pelajari dan pahami dulu kondisi di wilayah Puncak sebelum mengambil kebijakan,” keluhnya.

Ia menegaskan jika para pemilik toko maupun restoran di kawasan Warung Kaleng menolak rencana Pemkab menertibakn reklame bertulisan Arab.

“Kalau menertibkan kawin kontrak saya setuju dan saya dukung. Kalau reklame, kan buat mempermudah pembeli yang rata-rata warga Arab, masa mau niat memudahkan malah dipersulit,” ujarnya.

Sementara itu, Camat Cisarua, Deni Humaedi menuturkan, persoalannya bukan pada tulisan Arab melainkan masalah perilaku. Sehingga ia sependapat dengan warga dan para pemilik usaha yang selama ini menggunakan tulisan Arab.

“Tidak semua wisatawan di wilayah Cisarua negatif. Persoalannya memang pelik. Karenanya perlu siasat dan sikap para pihak untuk meminimalisir ekses yang timbul,” ujar Deni kepada Radar Bogor, kemarin.

Deni pun mengaku, selain kimpoi kontrak, persoalan imigran yang tersebar di beberapa desa dan kelurahan di Kecamatan Cisarua menjadi permasalahan tersendiri.

Namun, Pemkab Bogor jangan menyelesaikan dengan tergesa-gesa. Lakukan kajian secara komprehensif yang melibatkan para pihak. Mulai dari yang memiliki kepentingan dan tanggungjawab atas kondisi tersebut.

“Untuk mencari solusi tidak bisa dengan kepanikan. Jangan hanya dengan shock teraphy saja. Sepintas saya melihat kondisi saat ini memang cukup prihatin. Untuk melihat dari sisi kewilayahan saat ini dalam tahapan komunikasi dengan para kades, lurah dan Forkopimcam sebagai bagian referensi dalam pembahasan dan solusi dalam cakupan yang lebih luas. Baik secara regional ataupun nasional,” tuturnya.

Terpisah, Sekretaris Daerah (Sekda) Kabupaten Bogor, Burhanudin menjelaskan, rencana penertiban plang nama bertulisan Arab ini harus diluruskan. Sebab, sejak rencana ini muncul mendapat reaksi beragam. “Jadi perlu diluruskan,” katanya kepada Radar Bogor belum lama ini.

Menurutnya,Pemkab tidak akan menertibkan reklame bertulisan Arab, tapi Pemkab menghimbau kepada para pemilik usaha di wilayah tersebut untuk menambahkan tulisan berbahasa Indonesia, Arab dan Inggris.

“Jadi, dalam reklame itu tidak hanya tulisan bahasa Arab saja, tapi ditambah juga bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris,” tuturnya.

Sebab, lanjut dia, kawasan Puncak khususnya Kampung Warung Kaleng sebagai Daerah wisata International “Penggunaan bahasa Arab tidak bisa dihilangkan. Hanya ditambah tidak bahasa Arab saja. Tapi ada bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris,” tukasnya.(

from Berita Heboh

Apes! Pria di Gresik Meninggal Akibat Perangkap Tikus yang Dipasang Sendiri

20.13 - Naas dialami Naim (66) seorang kakek asal Desa Lasem, Kecamatan Sidayu, Gresik. Naim tewas di tengah sawah akibat tersengat listrik jebakan tikus yang dipasangnya sendiri.

Kasus ini bermula saat Naim belum kembali ke rumah setelah pergi ke sawah. Curiga belum pulang. Istri korban Aslikah (58) merasa tidak enak lalu mencari suaminya. Setelah dicari tidak kunjung ketemu. Selanjutnya, istri korban mencarinya ke sawah.

Istri korban terkejut, melihat suaminya ditemukan sudah dalam kondisi tidak bernyawa. Terbaring di kalangan sawah. Mengetahui suaminya sudah meninggal. Aslikah selanjutnya meminta tolong ke rekan suaminya, yakni, Nurudin dan Fery.

Jasad korban kemudian dibawa ke rumah duka lalu dilaporkan oleh Kepala Desa (Kades) Lasem ke Polsek Sidayu beserta barang bukti. Di antaranya, satu unit mesin diesel dan kawat kabel tembaga.

“Sewaktu dilakukan pemeriksaan oleh tim medis Puskesmas Sidayu. Terdapat luka hitam atau lebam bekas setruman mesin diesel,” ujar Kapolsek Sidayu AKP Achmad Said, Senin (30/12/2019).

Masih menurut Achmad Said, atas kejadian tersebut pihak keluarga korban menerima atas kematian korban. Sebab, itu adalah musibah.

“Keluarga korban juga membuat surat pernyataan untuk tidak dilakukan permeriksaan autopsi,” pungkasnya. (dny/ted/

from Berita Heboh

Edhy Prabowo Buka Wacana Kapal 150 GT ke Atas Bisa Beroperasi Lagi. Ini Alasannya

20.13 - Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan, Edhy Prabowo akan merevisi aturan mengenai ukuran kapal yang bisa beroperasi di Zona Ekonomi Ekslusif ( ZEE) Indonesia. Pihaknya membuka kemungkinan untuk kapal berukuran 150 GT ke atas bisa beroperasi di ZEE.

"Ini kan ada kapal standed yang ada di lapangan ternyata milik orang Indonesia, mau diapakan ini? Ini yang lagi kami kaji karena bergantung dari besaran tonase-nya berapa," kata Edhy di Gedung Mina Bahari III, Gambir Jakarta Pusat, Senin (30/12/2019).

Hingga saat ini aturan penggunaan kapal tangkap berukuran besar masih berlaku aturan lama, dengan maksimal 150 GT dan kapal angkut 200 GT. Hal ini tertuang pada Surat Edaran (SE) Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan Tangkap (DJPT) Nomor: D.1234/DJPT/PI.470. D4/31/12/2015 tentang Batasan Ukuran Kapal Ikan.

"Ini mau kami bahas karena ZEE dan laut lepas ini harus kita isi, masa kita harus nunggu, masa kita harus ribut terus dalam negeri," sebut Edhy.

Dia juga mengungkapkan ada kemungkinan kapal berukuran di atas 150 GT akan bisa beroperasi di ZEE.

"Saat ini aturannya 150 GT, nanti di atasnya yang di luar ZEE ke atas bisa 300 GT, bisa 200 GT tergantung hitungannya," ucap Edhy.

Edhy mengaku aturan ini akan mengkaji matang-matang dengan mempertimbangkan keberlanjutan industri perikanan Indonesia.

"Kita harus hitung dengan baik, karena hubungannya dengann suistainabelity dan keberlanjutan industri di laut kita. Jangan karena emosi mengerjar keuntungan lalu ambil sebanyak-banyaknya," tegas Edhy.(

from Berita Heboh
The Top Stories Of The Decade, From Barack Obama To Donald Trump - NPR

The Top Stories Of The Decade, From Barack Obama To Donald Trump - NPR

The Top Stories Of The Decade, From Barack Obama To Donald Trump - NPR

President Obama celebrates with lawmakers after signing into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act health insurance bill in March 2010. Jewel Samad/AFP via Getty Images hide caption

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Jewel Samad/AFP via Getty Images

Whether you you think the new decade starts at midnight Tuesday or a year from then, the eve of 2020 seems like a good time to look back on the top political stories of the 2010s.

It was a tumultuous decade in politics that saw the presidency and reelection of the first black president to the rise of the tea party and the improbable election of Donald Trump as president. The 2010s were marred by political polarization and gridlock, as American society struggled to deal with changing demography and a white grievance backlash.

Here are some of the top moments of the decade that helped reshape American politics:

Obamacare signed into law

The Affordable Care Act was signed into law in March 2010 after passing the Senate on Christmas Eve of 2009. No single piece of legislation would come to define the decade more than Obamacare.

Obama's signature legislation brought down the number of the uninsured in the country dramatically. It also led to the rise of the tea party and sweeping Democratic officeholder losses across the country. Despite dozens of GOP attempts to repeal it, the health care law remains a permanent fixture in American society.

It's notable how the politics, especially of Democrats, have changed on the law since the ACA was passed. Progressives back then were pushing Obama for a "public option," but tactically Democratic leadership didn't think it could pass. Today, as is being fought out on the 2020 campaign trail, many progressives now see even a public option as not going far enough.

The rise of the tea party

The Republican Party was reshaped by the rise of the tea party. The GOP rode the 2010 tea party wave to take over the House, but governing proved difficult. Legislative priorities were unclear, as the tea party conservatives cared most about cutting and restraining spending — and not compromise.

That lack of compromise fueled government shutdowns and a debt-ceiling standoff that led to the first-ever U.S. credit downgrade. The tea party phenomenon also eventually ran a speaker out of Congress — John Boehner. Boehner's hands were tied by his right flank of hardliners, who would not let him negotiate to the point he might have with President Obama.

Boehner, in fact, notably said he would not use the word compromise. "I reject that word," Boehner said in 2010. He tried to thread the needle with the phrase "common ground" instead, but to no avail.

A direct through line can be drawn from the tea party to President Trump. Many people in tea party crowds espoused conspiracy theories about President Obama, including the false and racist birther narrative. Trump was a leader of the birther movement, and with him in the White House, conservative base supporters who were integral to the tea party's success don't seem to care as much about deficits that have only grown.

The tea party may have also been a leading indicator of what's happening within the Democratic Party. Obama led to the tea party, which led to Trump, who is leading to progressives to rejecting the idea of compromise being a smart thing to do. And that's also playing out in the 2020 Democratic primary.

Americans like the idea of compromise; they just want the other side to do it.

The killing of Osama bin Laden

If the struggling economy after the Great Recession, the tea party and record GOP opposition had Obama in a defensive crouch, he rose out of that with the killing of Osama bin Laden in 2011.

It's easy to overlook that moment now, but realize that the mastermind of the 9/11 terrorist attack had escaped the reach of the most powerful military in the world and its allies for almost 10 years. He was like a ghost who haunted the American psyche. His killing also helped reinforce a president, who was branded as weak by opponents, a year before his reelection.

Obama's reelection

This is another event that easy to overlook. But it was important for the legitimacy of the first black president. Imagine if he'd not been reelected. Republicans would have been able to reduce him to the way they talk about Jimmy Carter.

What's more, presidents aren't seen as great if they stand for and lose reelection. None of the top 18 presidents, according to a 2019 survey of historians, lost reelection. And each of the top 13, except for John F. Kennedy, served for more than four years (Teddy Roosevelt, Harry Truman and Lyndon Johnson assumed office before winning election on their own.)

Obama, by the way, stands at No. 12 on the list.

The recovery after the Great Recession

Part of why Obama ranks on that great presidents list is because of his handling of the Great Recession, the worst recession since the Great Depression. Starting in December 2007, it saw pillars of finance collapse, mass layoffs and people kicked out of their homes due to the housing and foreclosure crises. Auto bailouts, begun under Bush, and the recovery act were the first items on the list when Obama took office.

"Osama bin Laden is dead, and General Motors is alive!" then-Vice President Joe Biden thundered at the 2012 Democratic National Convention, repeating what had become a mantra en route to Obama's reelection.

Trump has been campaigning on the continuing strong economy — and will certainly try to ride it to reelection. He gets his best ratings from Americans on his handling of the economy. But more than a political story, imagine what American society and the world would have been like if the U.S. didn't recover.

Americans were projected to spend some $728 billion this holiday season, so it's easy now to look past how consequential the 2010s were to the economic stability of the country — and the world.

The Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre

Twenty children were killed, the president cried in the White House briefing room talking about it, and, yet, the gun lobby was so strong, Congress was not able to pass any legislation — even universal background checks, which is very popular with Americans. Still, this mass shooting was a marker.

The lack of action reflected the strength of the National Rifle Association at the time, but hundreds more have been killed in similar events since, in places like Parkland, Fla., Las Vegas, Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso. And while little has come out of Washington legislatively since Sandy Hook, various states have adopted restrictions; there has been lots of activism around guns; and better-funded gun-restrictions groups now exist — and have begun winning. All of that comes as the NRA faces its own internal turmoil and financial difficulties.

Ringing the alarms on climate change

Major report after major report rang the alarm bells in the 2010s on the threat of climate change. President Obama signed the Paris climate accord, only to have the U.S. pull out of it under President Trump.

But even the markers set in that report are not enough to stave off the most catastrophic possible outcomes for the planet, according to a 2018 United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, report.

There is a big generational divide on views of climate change. A Gallup poll last year found that 70% of people 18 to 34 worry a great deal or fair amount about climate change, while 56% of those 55 and older said they do.

For a younger generation, this is not an existential problem; it's an urgent one, and how that will shape politics, as younger Americans gain power, will be interesting to watch.

Same-sex marriage becomes legal

In the middle of the decade, in 2015, the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal in all 50 states. Public opinion and politics moved sweepingly on same-sex marriage in the 2010s.

It wasn't that long ago that Democratic politicians, for example, tried to walk the line on same-sex marriage, calling for civil unions. That, in fact, was President Obama's stance in 2008, not wanting to offend religious groups.

But he eventually lent his support to the cause of marriage equality in 2012 when Vice President Biden said the Obama administration was in favor of legalization of same-sex marriage.

To understand why Obama might have been reticent to support same-sex marriage, just 40% of the country was in favor of legalizing it in 2009 when he was sworn in, according to Gallup. By 2012, just about half of Americans were in favor. Now, it's 63%, though still only 44% of Republicans.

Marijuana becomes legal in states

Speaking of changing public opinion, the mainstreaming of marijuana has been a sea change. It was in 2012 when pot became legal in Colorado and Washington state. Since then, nine more states and the District of Columbia have adopted expansive rules for recreational marijuana use. Marijuana for medical use is legal in almost two dozen other states.

Marijuana is still illegal by federal law. But two-thirds of Americans now are in favor of legalizing marijuana, up from just 44% a decade ago, according to Gallup. Even a majority of Republicans now agree it should be legalized.

The legalization movement and overall changing public opinion won't just have implications for those looking for a recreational high. It will also have potentially serious implications for those locked up in prisons because of nonviolent drug offenses as bipartisan attention is given to criminal justice reform.

Going "nuclear" on the filibuster and changing the balance of the Supreme Court

In response to Mitch McConnell's record use of the filibuster to block Obama judicial nominees, Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid "went nuclear" and blew up the procedural tactic. It allowed Obama judicial nominees through with a simple majority rather than the 60 votes needed for cloture.

But McConnell pledged revenge when he was in the majority. That opportunity came after Republicans took over the Senate in 2014. He blocked Obama's Supreme Court nominee to replace the late Antonin Scalia, not even allowing a hearing for the well-regarded judge Merrick Garland.

When Trump became president, McConnell then did away with the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees, allowing Trump to slide through two nominees. That changed the high court to a majority conservative court for the first time in three-quarters of a century. That will likely have ramifications for social policy for a generation to come.

The #MeToo movement

Think of the legacies and views of men like Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby and Matt Lauer before the #MeToo movement. The movement has had sweeping effects, not just for powerful men across industries, but also in how companies deal with sexual harassment and misconduct.

It, of course, has touched politics, too with differing ramifications. Congress changed its rules to make members more accountable, and members of Congress have resigned — male and female.

But some Democrats are smarting over the standard they set for themselves. Kirsten Gillibrand suffered consequences in her presidential campaign partly because of her leading role in helping force former Minnesota Sen. Al Franken to resign. And Biden, of course, has also faced allegations of inappropriate behavior.

Meanwhile, there have been almost two dozen women who accused Trump of sexual misconduct, and, yet, he was still elected.

President Trump's election — and impeachment

Donald Trump rides an escalator to announce his candidacy U.S. presidency in June 2015. Christopher Gregory/Getty Images hide caption

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Christopher Gregory/Getty Images

If the script was written this way, the movie might never have gotten made.

The most unlikely scenario played out in 2016, and Trump won the American presidency by running to represent the "forgotten man and woman." Even as his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton won 3 million more votes in that election, Trump fired up rural voters and voters without college degrees in the right places to win the Electoral College.

But Trump was eventually impeached, with Democrats in charge of the House, after his administration withheld aid and a White House meeting from Ukraine, while Trump sought the announcement of public investigations into conspiracy theories about the 2016 election and the Bidens.

But the Republican Party is now Trump's party, and, in the new year, he is set to be acquitted by the GOP-controlled Senate. And that will set the stage for what is likely to be a bitter and closely divided 2020 election.

What does the future hold?

America is the largest economy and the military in the world, but some question U.S. moral values and leadership. Is America the globalist, interventionist country it was that helped maintain world order and security after World War II, or will it lurch further toward protectionism and nativism? What will America's role in the world be in the next 50 years?

And, most importantly, what does it mean — and what will it mean — to be American? That was clearer after World War II than it is today, as technological advances threaten to shift global power with a click or a swipe.

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2019-12-31 10:00:00Z
The Top Stories Of The Decade, From Barack Obama To Donald Trump - NPR

The Top Stories Of The Decade, From Barack Obama To Donald Trump - NPR

The Top Stories Of The Decade, From Barack Obama To Donald Trump - NPR

President Obama celebrates with lawmakers after signing into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act health insurance bill in March 2010. Jewel Samad/AFP via Getty Images hide caption

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Jewel Samad/AFP via Getty Images

Whether you you think the new decade starts at midnight Tuesday or a year from then, the eve of 2020 seems like a good time to look back on the top political stories of the 2010s.

It was a tumultuous decade in politics that saw the presidency and reelection of the first black president to the rise of the tea party and the improbable election of Donald Trump as president. The 2010s were marred by political polarization and gridlock, as American society struggled to deal with changing demography and a white grievance backlash.

Here are some of the top moments of the decade that helped reshape American politics:

Obamacare signed into law

The Affordable Care Act was signed into law in March 2010 after passing the Senate on Christmas Eve of 2009. No single piece of legislation would come to define the decade more than Obamacare.

Obama's signature legislation brought down the number of the uninsured in the country dramatically. It also led to the rise of the tea party and sweeping Democratic officeholder losses across the country. Despite dozens of GOP attempts to repeal it, the health care law remains a permanent fixture in American society.

It's notable how the politics, especially of Democrats, have changed on the law since the ACA was passed. Progressives back then were pushing Obama for a "public option," but tactically Democratic leadership didn't think it could pass. Today, as is being fought out on the 2020 campaign trail, many progressives now see even a public option as not going far enough.

The rise of the tea party

The Republican Party was reshaped by the rise of the tea party. The GOP rode the 2010 tea party wave to take over the House, but governing proved difficult. Legislative priorities were unclear, as the tea party conservatives cared most about cutting and restraining spending — and not compromise.

That lack of compromise fueled government shutdowns and a debt-ceiling standoff that led to the first-ever U.S. credit downgrade. The tea party phenomenon also eventually ran a speaker out of Congress — John Boehner. Boehner's hands were tied by his right flank of hardliners, who would not let him negotiate to the point he might have with President Obama.

Boehner, in fact, notably said he would not use the word compromise. "I reject that word," Boehner said in 2010. He tried to thread the needle with the phrase "common ground" instead, but to no avail.

A direct through line can be drawn from the tea party to President Trump. Many people in tea party crowds espoused conspiracy theories about President Obama, including the false and racist birther narrative. Trump was a leader of the birther movement, and with him in the White House, conservative base supporters who were integral to the tea party's success don't seem to care as much about deficits that have only grown.

The tea party may have also been a leading indicator of what's happening within the Democratic Party. Obama led to the tea party, which led to Trump, who is leading to progressives to rejecting the idea of compromise being a smart thing to do. And that's also playing out in the 2020 Democratic primary.

Americans like the idea of compromise; they just want the other side to do it.

The killing of Osama bin Laden

If the struggling economy after the Great Recession, the tea party and record GOP opposition had Obama in a defensive crouch, he rose out of that with the killing of Osama bin Laden in 2011.

It's easy to overlook that moment now, but realize that the mastermind of the 9/11 terrorist attack had escaped the reach of the most powerful military in the world and its allies for almost 10 years. He was like a ghost who haunted the American psyche. His killing also helped reinforce a president, who was branded as weak by opponents, a year before his reelection.

Obama's reelection

This is another event that easy to overlook. But it was important for the legitimacy of the first black president. Imagine if he'd not been reelected. Republicans would have been able to reduce him to the way they talk about Jimmy Carter.

What's more, presidents aren't seen as great if they stand for and lose reelection. None of the top 18 presidents, according to a 2019 survey of historians, lost reelection. And each of the top 13, except for John F. Kennedy, served for more than four years (Teddy Roosevelt, Harry Truman and Lyndon Johnson assumed office before winning election on their own.)

Obama, by the way, stands at No. 12 on the list.

The recovery after the Great Recession

Part of why Obama ranks on that great presidents list is because of his handling of the Great Recession, the worst recession since the Great Depression. Starting in December 2007, it saw pillars of finance collapse, mass layoffs and people kicked out of their homes due to the housing and foreclosure crises. Auto bailouts, begun under Bush, and the recovery act were the first items on the list when Obama took office.

"Osama bin Laden is dead, and General Motors is alive!" then-Vice President Joe Biden thundered at the 2012 Democratic National Convention, repeating what had become a mantra en route to Obama's reelection.

Trump has been campaigning on the continuing strong economy — and will certainly try to ride it to reelection. He gets his best ratings from Americans on his handling of the economy. But more than a political story, imagine what American society and the world would have been like if the U.S. didn't recover.

Americans were projected to spend some $728 billion this holiday season, so it's easy now to look past how consequential the 2010s were to the economic stability of the country — and the world.

The Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre

Twenty children were killed, the president cried in the White House briefing room talking about it, and, yet, the gun lobby was so strong, Congress was not able to pass any legislation — even universal background checks, which is very popular with Americans. Still, this mass shooting was a marker.

The lack of action reflected the strength of the National Rifle Association at the time, but hundreds more have been killed in similar events since, in places like Parkland, Fla., Las Vegas, Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso. And while little has come out of Washington legislatively since Sandy Hook, various states have adopted restrictions; there has been lots of activism around guns; and better-funded gun-restrictions groups now exist — and have begun winning. All of that comes as the NRA faces its own internal turmoil and financial difficulties.

Ringing the alarms on climate change

Major report after major report rang the alarm bells in the 2010s on the threat of climate change. President Obama signed the Paris climate accord, only to have the U.S. pull out of it under President Trump.

But even the markers set in that report are not enough to stave off the most catastrophic possible outcomes for the planet, according to a 2018 United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, report.

There is a big generational divide on views of climate change. A Gallup poll last year found that 70% of people 18 to 34 worry a great deal or fair amount about climate change, while 56% of those 55 and older said they do.

For a younger generation, this is not an existential problem; it's an urgent one, and how that will shape politics, as younger Americans gain power, will be interesting to watch.

Same-sex marriage becomes legal

In the middle of the decade, in 2015, the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal in all 50 states. Public opinion and politics moved sweepingly on same-sex marriage in the 2010s.

It wasn't that long ago that Democratic politicians, for example, tried to walk the line on same-sex marriage, calling for civil unions. That, in fact, was President Obama's stance in 2008, not wanting to offend religious groups.

But he eventually lent his support to the cause of marriage equality in 2012 when Vice President Biden said the Obama administration was in favor of legalization of same-sex marriage.

To understand why Obama might have been reticent to support same-sex marriage, just 40% of the country was in favor of legalizing it in 2009 when he was sworn in, according to Gallup. By 2012, just about half of Americans were in favor. Now, it's 63%, though still only 44% of Republicans.

Marijuana becomes legal in states

Speaking of changing public opinion, the mainstreaming of marijuana has been a sea change. It was in 2012 when pot became legal in Colorado and Washington state. Since then, nine more states and the District of Columbia have adopted expansive rules for recreational marijuana use. Marijuana for medical use is legal in almost two dozen other states.

Marijuana is still illegal by federal law. But two-thirds of Americans now are in favor of legalizing marijuana, up from just 44% a decade ago, according to Gallup. Even a majority of Republicans now agree it should be legalized.

The legalization movement and overall changing public opinion won't just have implications for those looking for a recreational high. It will also have potentially serious implications for those locked up in prisons because of nonviolent drug offenses as bipartisan attention is given to criminal justice reform.

Going "nuclear" on the filibuster and changing the balance of the Supreme Court

In response to Mitch McConnell's record use of the filibuster to block Obama judicial nominees, Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid "went nuclear" and blew up the procedural tactic. It allowed Obama judicial nominees through with a simple majority rather than the 60 votes needed for cloture.

But McConnell pledged revenge when he was in the majority. That opportunity came after Republicans took over the Senate in 2014. He blocked Obama's Supreme Court nominee to replace the late Antonin Scalia, not even allowing a hearing for the well-regarded judge Merrick Garland.

When Trump became president, McConnell then did away with the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees, allowing Trump to slide through two nominees. That changed the high court to a majority conservative court for the first time in three-quarters of a century. That will likely have ramifications for social policy for a generation to come.

The #MeToo movement

Think of the legacies and views of men like Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby and Matt Lauer before the #MeToo movement. The movement has had sweeping effects, not just for powerful men across industries, but also in how companies deal with sexual harassment and misconduct.

It, of course, has touched politics, too with differing ramifications. Congress changed its rules to make members more accountable, and members of Congress have resigned — male and female.

But some Democrats are smarting over the standard they set for themselves. Kirsten Gillibrand suffered consequences in her presidential campaign partly because of her leading role in helping force former Minnesota Sen. Al Franken to resign. And Biden, of course, has also faced allegations of inappropriate behavior.

Meanwhile, there have been almost two dozen women who accused Trump of sexual misconduct, and, yet, he was still elected.

President Trump's election — and impeachment

Donald Trump rides an escalator to announce his candidacy U.S. presidency in June 2015. Christopher Gregory/Getty Images hide caption

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Christopher Gregory/Getty Images

If the script was written this way, the movie might never have gotten made.

The most unlikely scenario played out in 2016, and Trump won the American presidency by running to represent the "forgotten man and woman." Even as his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton won 3 million more votes in that election, Trump fired up rural voters and voters without college degrees in the right places to win the Electoral College.

But Trump was eventually impeached, with Democrats in charge of the House, after his administration withheld aid and a White House meeting from Ukraine, while Trump sought the announcement of public investigations into conspiracy theories about the 2016 election and the Bidens.

But the Republican Party is now Trump's party, and, in the new year, he is set to be acquitted by the GOP-controlled Senate. And that will set the stage for what is likely to be a bitter and closely divided 2020 election.

What does the future hold?

America is the largest economy and the military in the world, but some question U.S. moral values and leadership. Is America the globalist, interventionist country it was that helped maintain world order and security after World War II, or will it lurch further toward protectionism and nativism? What will America's role in the world be in the next 50 years?

And, most importantly, what does it mean — and what will it mean — to be American? That was clearer after World War II than it is today, as technological advances threaten to shift global power with a click or a swipe.

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2019-12-31 10:00:00Z

Munarman FPI 'Semprot' Anies Baswedan Gegara Jalur Sepeda

18.43 - Juru Bicara Front Pembela Islam (FPI) Munarman mengkritik keras kebijakan-kebijakan yang dikeluarkan Gubernur DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan selama memimpin ibu kota, termasuk pelebaran pedestrian dan penyediaan jalur sepeda yang menurut mereka tidak menyentuh kepentingan rakyat kecil.

"Enggak ada rakyat kecil naik sepeda. Enggak ada kami lihat sepeda ontel di jalan seperti dahulu kala," kata Munarman dalam sebuah diskusi di Jakarta, Selasa, 31 Desember 2019.

"Yang kita lihat di jalan justru sepeda-sepeda mahal yang harganya Rp 40 juta-an, harganya saja melebihi harga sepeda motor," ujar dia.

Munarman mengatakan, saat ini mayoritas rakyat kecil menggunakan sepeda motor sebagai alat transportasi utama mereka. Sedangkan sepeda yang saat ini kerap melintas di jalanan justru lebih mahal dari harga motor.

Ia menuding kebijakan Anies Baswedan mengenai pengadaan jalur sepeda sebagai upaya memfasilitasi hobi orang-orang kaya dan tidak memberikan manfaat apapun bagi masyarakat miskin yang ada di Jakarta.

"Jadi kebijakan ini untuk siapa? Kebijakan ini kan hanya memfasilitasi hobi, bukan permasalahan rakyat kecil yang mayoritas ada di Jakarta," katanya.

Munarman menilai pelebaran pedestrian juga tidak memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat Jakarta. Pasalnya, Indonesia memiliki cuaca tropis yang berbeda dengan iklim di negara-negara Eropa yang dingin dan sejuk.

Lantaran itu, ia mewakili FPI meminta agar Anies Baswedan mengeluarkan kebijakan yang benar-benar bermanfaat bagi masyarakat Jakarta, utamanya bagi rakyat kecil sebagai kelompok mayoritas yang ada di ibu kota.

"Anies harusnya memperhatikan kesejahteraan rakyat kecil. Jadi kita mendukung bukan asal mendukung, tetapi kita mendukung pemimpin yang benar-benar bekerja untuk kesejahteraan rakyat," kata Munarman. [

from Berita Heboh
Greece, Russia and Italy: Europe's top performing stock markets in 2019 - CNBC

Greece, Russia and Italy: Europe's top performing stock markets in 2019 - CNBC

Greece, Russia and Italy: Europe's top performing stock markets in 2019 - CNBC

Greece, Russia and Italy have been the top performing stock markets in Europe in 2019 – a year marked by political and economic uncertainty across the world.

Some investors dismissed these markets as "too dangerous, too politically unstable, too reliant on commodities, too weak economically or a combination of all four," Russ Mould, investment director at AJ Bell, a U.K. investment platform, said in a note this month.

"But this just goes to show that buying what is comfortable is rarely the route to big profits," Mould said.


It was once Europe's sick man, but the southern European country seems to have entered a new chapter. Greece's main index rose 43% in 2019 – making it the top performer in Europe and across the world.

"Greek economic growth accelerated in 2019, thanks to recovering government spending and reviving investment coupled with a healthy exports outlook," Athanasia Kokkinogeni, Europe senior analyst at the research firm DuckerFrontier, told CNBC via email last week..

2019 proved particularly good for shares of Greek banks. Piraeus Bank rose more than 250%, National Bank of Greece surged 171%; while Alpha Bank's shares increased 71% and Eurobank's grew 67%.

The former building of the Athens Stock Exchange in Sofokleous Street.


Greece put an end to capital controls in 2019 and the government introduced "Hercules," a program aimed at allowing lenders to repackage bad loans.

Furthermore, Mike Bell, global markets strategy at JP Morgan Asset Management, told CNBC that the European Central Bank (ECB) also helped Greece. A new round of quantitative easing (QE) in the euro zone reduced borrowing costs "dramatically." At the same time, he also added that there were no negative stories in 2019 about Greece in comparison with previous years, mainly at the height of the sovereign debt crisis.

A new center-right and pro-business government was also elected in July. Greek government bond yields fell further after the election of Kyriakos Mitsotakis.


Moscow's main index rose 29% in 2019 – a year marked by fiscal loosening.

"Russia emerged from a recession, helped by interest rate cuts and the carefully crafted policies of its respected central bank head, Elvira Nabiullina," Mould from AJ Bell said.

The Russian central bank announced "significant interest rate cuts" since June, the International Monetary Fund said in November. The Bank of Russia announced another cut to its key rate in December to 6.25% per annum.

News in the corporate sector also boosted the MOEX. Gazprom announced a significant increase in its dividend payments and certain international sanctions were also lifted.


In Rome, despite divergences with Brussels and a snap election, Italy's FTSE MIB rose 28% in 2019.

"Many investors have given up on Western Europe, citing concerns over Brexit, trade wars, weak coalition governments, mounting debts and the apparent inability of the

European Central Bank to conjure the growth and inflation that it craves. But more interest rate cuts and QE from the ECB looks to be granting Italy yet another reprieve," Mould from AJ Bell said in a note.

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2019-12-31 07:48:00Z
Greece, Russia and Italy: Europe's top performing stock markets in 2019 - CNBC

Greece, Russia and Italy: Europe's top performing stock markets in 2019 - CNBC

Greece, Russia and Italy: Europe's top performing stock markets in 2019 - CNBC

Greece, Russia and Italy have been the top performing stock markets in Europe in 2019 – a year marked by political and economic uncertainty across the world.

Some investors dismissed these markets as "too dangerous, too politically unstable, too reliant on commodities, too weak economically or a combination of all four," Russ Mould, investment director at AJ Bell, a U.K. investment platform, said in a note this month.

"But this just goes to show that buying what is comfortable is rarely the route to big profits," Mould said.


It was once Europe's sick man, but the southern European country seems to have entered a new chapter. Greece's main index rose 43% in 2019 – making it the top performer in Europe and across the world.

"Greek economic growth accelerated in 2019, thanks to recovering government spending and reviving investment coupled with a healthy exports outlook," Athanasia Kokkinogeni, Europe senior analyst at the research firm DuckerFrontier, told CNBC via email last week..

2019 proved particularly good for shares of Greek banks. Piraeus Bank rose more than 250%, National Bank of Greece surged 171%; while Alpha Bank's shares increased 71% and Eurobank's grew 67%.

The former building of the Athens Stock Exchange in Sofokleous Street.


Greece put an end to capital controls in 2019 and the government introduced "Hercules," a program aimed at allowing lenders to repackage bad loans.

Furthermore, Mike Bell, global markets strategy at JP Morgan Asset Management, told CNBC that the European Central Bank (ECB) also helped Greece. A new round of quantitative easing (QE) in the euro zone reduced borrowing costs "dramatically." At the same time, he also added that there were no negative stories in 2019 about Greece in comparison with previous years, mainly at the height of the sovereign debt crisis.

A new center-right and pro-business government was also elected in July. Greek government bond yields fell further after the election of Kyriakos Mitsotakis.


Moscow's main index rose 29% in 2019 – a year marked by fiscal loosening.

"Russia emerged from a recession, helped by interest rate cuts and the carefully crafted policies of its respected central bank head, Elvira Nabiullina," Mould from AJ Bell said.

The Russian central bank announced "significant interest rate cuts" since June, the International Monetary Fund said in November. The Bank of Russia announced another cut to its key rate in December to 6.25% per annum.

News in the corporate sector also boosted the MOEX. Gazprom announced a significant increase in its dividend payments and certain international sanctions were also lifted.


In Rome, despite divergences with Brussels and a snap election, Italy's FTSE MIB rose 28% in 2019.

"Many investors have given up on Western Europe, citing concerns over Brexit, trade wars, weak coalition governments, mounting debts and the apparent inability of the

European Central Bank to conjure the growth and inflation that it craves. But more interest rate cuts and QE from the ECB looks to be granting Italy yet another reprieve," Mould from AJ Bell said in a note.

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2019-12-31 07:48:00Z

Didesak Tangkap Politisi PDIP Dewi Tanjung, Polda Metro Jaya Angkat Suara

17.13 - - Polda Metro Jaya mengaku akan mendalami kemungkinan proses hukum terhadap politikus PDI-Perjuangan, Dewi Tanjung, yang pernah menilai kasus penyiraman air keras kepada penyidik KPK Novel Baswedan sebagai rekayasa.

"Saya dalami lagi nanti ya," kata Kepala Bidang Humas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus saat dimintai komentarnya soal seruan netizen bertajuk #TangkapDewiTanjung, di kantornya, Jakarta, Senin (30/12).

Sebelumnya, Dewi melaporkan dugaan rekayasa penyiraman air keras ke Novel Baswedan ke Polda Metro Jaya beberapa waktu lalu. Laporan itu teregister dengan nomor laporan LP/7171/XI/2019/PMJ/Dit. Reskrimsus.

Dalam laporannya, Dewi menuding Novel melakukan pelanggaran Pasal 26 ayat (2) juncto Pasal 45 A Ayat (2) UU RI nomor 19 tahun 2016 tentang ITE dan atau Pasal 14 A ayat 1 UU RI nomor 1 tahun 1946 tentang peraturan hukum pidana.

Ia mengaku curiga kasus penyiraman air keras yang terjadi pada April 2017 silam itu hanya rekayasa Novel semata karena banyak kejanggalan. Dewi pun mempermasalahkan soal letak perban Novel yang dililitkan pada bagian kepala dan hidung ketika dirawat di RS Mitra Keluarga, Jakarta Utara.

Selain itu ia juga mempertanyakan kondisi kulit wajah Novel yang disebutnya masih mulus meski sudah disiram air keras oleh orang tak dikenal.

"Kesiram air panas aja itu pun akan cacat, apalagi air keras," tutur Dewi.

Direktur Reskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Iwan Kurniawan pun menyebut laporan Dewi itu akan dihentikan jika hasil pengecekan pihaknya membuktikan bahwa luka Novel itu memang nyata.

"Kalau seandainya benar bahwa dari hasil penyelidikan atau penyidikan teman-teman di [Direktorat Reserse] Krimum itu kita dapat datanya, bahwa benar ada luka atau seperti apa dan tidak ada rekayasa, ya kasusnya akan saya hentikan," tuturnya, Rabu (27/11).

Belakangan, kepolisian menetapkan dua tersangka kasus penyiraman air keras terhadap Novel, yakni RM dan RB, yang merupakan polisi aktif. Keduanya dijerat dengan pasal pengeroyokan dan penganiayaan.

Warganet alias netizen kemudian menggaungkan tagar #TangkapDewiTanjung. Pada intinya, mereka meminta pihak yang memfitnah Novel untuk ditangkap karena keberadaan tersangka berarti ada tindak pidana. Dengan kata lain, kasus penyiraman air keras terhadap Novel bukan rekayasa.(

from Berita Heboh

Ahmad Dhani Niat Kembali Berpolitik, El Rumi: Belajarlah Pencitraan, Kayak...

16.43 - Bahagia usai menyambut bebasnya sang ayah, Ahmad Dhani dari penjara, El Rumi tak ingin ayahnya kembali terlibat masalah hukum.

Putra kedua Ahmad Dhani dan Maia Estianty itu pun berharap agar sang ayah lebih sabar, sebagaimana dikatakan dalam vlog-nya yang berjudul "#ELVLOG21 Ayah BEBAS!!".

"Aku wish-nya semoga ayah menjadi orang yang lebih baik lagi dari sebelumnya, setelah melewati universitas kehidupan selama hampir satu tahun," ucap El seperti dikutip, Selasa (31/12/2019).

"Semoga ayah jadi orang yang lebih sabar dalam melakukan tindakan," ucap El melanjutkan.

Kemudian, El memberi nasihat pada sang ayah apabila tetap ingin terjun ke dunia politik.

"Semoga, kalau ayah tetap ingin jadi politikus. Satu, belajarlah pencitraan. Karena ayah berasal dari musik, enggak suka pencitraan," kata El.

Bahkan, El sempat menyelipkan harapan agar Ahmad Dhani kembali bermusik.

Menurut El, jika memang tidak bisa melakukan pencitraan, sebaiknya ayahnya tetap berada di dunia musik saja.

"Menurutku ayah nggak cocok di politik karena dia nggak suka pencitraan. Tapi kalau nggak suka pencitraan mending main musik. Tapi, kalau mau tetap di politik belajarlah pencitraan, kayak.. kayak siapa ya," ucap El lalu tertawa.

Harapan serupa juga datang dari putra bungsu Ahmad Dhani dan Maia Estianty, Dul Jaelani.

"Semoga berjaya lagi di musik, semoga bisa menghidupkan industri musik Indonesia lagi," kata Dul yang berharap Ahmad Dhani ayahnya semakin lebih baik.

Diketahui, Ahmad Dhani resmi bebas setelah 11 bulan menjalani hukuman penjara, pada 30 Desember 2019.(

from Berita Heboh

Digugat Rp 1,12 Miliar oleh Pemilik Kedai Kopi di Purwokerto, Ini Tanggapan Grab

16.13 - Pemilik Kedai Kopigrafi di Purwokerto, Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah, Widhiantoro menggugat PT Solusi Transportasi Indonesia (Grab) senilai Rp 1,12 miliar atas munculnya toki fiktif pada aplikasi Grab Food yang mengatasnamakan Kopigrafi.

Head of Marketing GrabFood Indonesia Hadi Surya Koe mengatakan, telah menerima laporan dari pihak kedai Kopigrafi terkait kesalahan menu yang ditampilkan di layanan GrabFood pada Juli 2019.

Pihaknya segera menindaklanjuti laporan dengan menjalin komunikasi langsung dengan pihak kedai untuk menurunkan seluruh materi terkait Kopigrafi dari GrabFood.

"Kami telah mengambil langkah-langkah yang diperlukan terkait somasi yang diajukan pihak kedai Kopigrafi, termasuk bertemu langsung dengan pemilik kedai Kopigrafi untuk meminta maaf dan memberikan tanggapan tertulis atas somasi, termasuk menjelaskan kesalahan dari pihak Grab, di mana pemintaan maaf telah diterima dengan baik oleh pemilik kedai Kopigrafi," kata Hadi melalui keterangan tertulis, Selasa (31/12/2019).

Namun Grab sangat terkejut dengan adanya informasi gugatan yang diajukan kedai Kopigrafi ke Pengadilan Negeri Purwokerto.

Grab menghormati keputusan pemilik kedai untuk menempuh jalur hukum serta proses hukum yang akan berlangsung.

"Saat ini kami belum dapat memberikan informasi lebih lanjut terkait gugatan tersebut karena baru memperoleh informasi adanya gugatan kepada pihak Grab melalui media massa, dan sampai saat ini kami belum menerima panggilan dari pengadilan maupun salinan gugatan yang diajukan kedai Kopigrafi," ujar Hadi.

Hadi mengatakan, Grab senantiasa berupaya menjaga kualitas layanan dan terus meningkatkan aspek kepercayaan dan keamanan terkait dengan hubungan dengan para pengguna layanan GrabFood, baik mitra pengemudi, merchant, maupun pelanggan secara menyeluruh, mulai dari operasional, pengembangan usaha, hingga dukungan teknologi.

"Kami berupaya agar kejadian serupa tidak terulang lagi di kemudian hari dan akan meningkatkan pengawasan kami terhadap setiap informasi yang ditayangkan dalam aplikasi kami," kata Hadi.

Diberitakan sebelumnya, gugatan tersebut didaftarkan secara online ke Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Purwokerto dengan nomor registrasi 86/ Pdt.G/ 2019/ PN Pwt tertanggal 26 Desember 2019.

Dalam website resmi PN Purwokerto, penggugat menuntut tergugat membayar biaya kerugian materiil sebanyak Rp 120 juta dan membayar biaya kerugian immateril sebanyak Rp 1 miliar.(

from Berita Heboh

Anak dan Menantu Jokowi Maju Pilkada, Munarman FPI Beri Sindiran Telak

16.13 - Sekretaris Umum Front Pembela Islam (FPI) Munarman mengatakan Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) sedang membangun dinasti politik lewat putranya, Gibran Rakabuming Raka dan menantunya Bobby Nasution yang berniat maju dalam pemilihan kepala daerah (Pilkada) 2020.

Gibran memutuskan maju pada Pilkada Kota Solo, sementara Bobby ikut dalam kontestasi Pilkada Kota Medan.

"Ya kalau di dua daerah itu, menunjukkan ada dinasti politik. Itu dinasti politik, jelas itu dinasti politik. Enggak ada kata lain itu," kata Munarman di Jakarta, Selasa (31/12).

Munarman mengatakan bahwa FPI tak akan ikut dalam perpolitikan yang menyuburkan dinasti politik. Ia pun menyinggung sikap partai yang sempat berseberangan dengan pemerintah, kini berencana ikut mengusung anak dan mantu Jokowi itu.

"Lalu mereka ikut mendukung. Ya kami tinggalin. Enggak ada urusan kami," ujarnya.

Munarman menegaskan majunya Gibran dan Bobby itu merupakan upaya membangun dinasti politik, meskipun sudah dibantah oleh Jokowi yang menyebut hak warga negara untuk ikut dalam kontestasi lima tahunan itu.

Kepala Staf Kepresidenan Moeldoko mewakili pihak Istana bahkan turut membela langkah Gibran dan Bobby maju pilkada dan memastikan itikad politik mereka bukan upaya membangun dinasti politik Jokowi.

"Anggapan itu kan perlu diluruskan. Ini kan proses pembelajaran politik bagi masyarakat. Jadi jangan terus menjustifikasi dinasti politik," kata Moeldoko di Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan Jakarta, Rabu (4/12).

Munarman mengatakan PDI-Perjuangan di tingkat pengurus cabang Solo sebenarnya sudah memiliki calon. Namun, tiba-tiba Gibran memutuskan maju Munarman menduga Gibran menggunakan kekuatan Jokowi agar dipilih oleh PDI-Perjuangan.

"Kalau dia emang bukan dinasti politik maka tidak boleh dong mestinya by pass mekanisme parpol. Ini parpol juga bisa dikalahkan oleh power bapak (Jokowi)," tuturnya.

"Ya kalau power bapak apalagi kalau bukan dinasti. Berarti kan bukan karena kemampuan, tapi karena kebapakan," kata Munarman menambahkan. (fra/ asli)

from Berita Heboh

Prabowo Tunjuk 5 Purnawirawan Jenderal Jadi Asisten Khusus, Ini Daftarnya

14.43 - Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto menunjuk lima purnawirawan jenderal menjadi Asisten Khusus Menhan. Kelima purnawirawan itu Letjen TNI (Purn) Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin hingga Letjen TNI (Purn) Hotmangaradja Pandjaitan.

Penunjukan kelima purnawirawan itu tertuang dalam surat Keputusan Menteri Pertahanan Nomor KEP/1869/M/XII/2019 tentang Pengangkatan Sebagai Asisten Khusus Menteri Pertahanan. Penunjukan kelimanya guna mendukung kelancaran tugas Prabowo sebagai Menhan.

"Dalam rangka mendukung kelancaran tugas-tugas Menteri Pertahanan, perlu menetapkan keputusan Menteri Pertahanan tentang pengangkatan sebagai Asisten Khusus Menteri Pertahanan," demikian bunyi keputusan tersebut, seperti dikutip detikcom, Selasa (31/12/2019).

Kelima purnawirawan yang ditunjuk ialah Letjen TNI (Purn) Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin, Letjen TNI (Purn) Hotmangaradja Pandjaitan, Laksdya TNI (Purn) Didit Herdiawan, Mayjen TNI (Purn) Chairawan Kadarsyah Kadirussalam Nusyirwan, dan Marsda TNI (Purn) Bonar H Hutagaol. Mereka resmi menjabat Asisten Khusus Menhan terhitung sejak 6 Desember 2019.

Sebelumnya, bukan hanya Sjafrie dkk, Prabowo juga telah menunjuk salah satu sahabatnya Johannes Suryo Prabowo. Suryo Prabowo akan membantu Prabowo di Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan.(

from Berita Heboh

Sindir Gaya Ahmad Dhani Bebas, Politikus PSI Diserbu Warganet

14.13 - Ahmad Dhani akhirnya menghirup udara bebas usai terseret kasus penistaan agama di media sosial Twitter. Hal itu pun memantik perhatian Juru bicara Partai Solidaritas Indonesia Dedek Prayudi.

Dedek menyoroti gestur Ahmad Dhani yang merayakan kebebasannya dengan menaiki mobil Unimog bersama dengan orang terdekat.

Menurutnya, pose tangan yang ditunjukkan Ahmad Dhani serupa dengan simbol pasangan nomor urut 02, Prabowo Subianto dan Sandiaga Uno saat Pilpres 2019. Diketahui, Dhani menjadi pendukung pasangan tersebut.

Pernyataan itu disampaikan Dedek melalui cuitan yang dibagikan di jejaring Twitter pribadinya @Uki23. Ia juga menyertakan foto Ahmad Dhani di atas mobil.

"Mas @AHMADDHANIPRAST pose tangannya mirip pose tangan simbol Pasangan nomor urut 02, Prabowo-Sandi, waktu Pilpres," cuit Dedek seperti dikutip (31/12/2o19).

Dedek lantas mengingatkan Ahmad Dhani, jika Pipres sudah lewat dan calon pemimpin yang didukunya kini telah menjabat sebagai Menteri Pertahanan.

"Pemilu udah lewat, mas. Pak @prabowo nya udah jadi pembantu Presiden Jokowi," imbuhnya.

Cuitan Dedek tersebut memancing respons warganet. Tak sedikit dari mereka yang justru memberikan sindiran kepada Dedek karena dinilai mengungkit masa lalu.

"Yaudah sih Ki, pemilu udah lewat. Masih aja mancing-mancing soal pemilu," kata @hadifidel.

"Perasaan cuma dia nih yang ngomongin soal kode tangan itu… hahahhaaha. Baper mas, Dhani keluar? hahhaha," tulis @kicepkicep.

"Yaaah udah lewat masih aja di bahas, emang gak ada kerjaan kali yak?" celoteh @akubertitah.

Untuk diketahui, Ahmad Dhani divonis hukuman penjara selama satu tahun akibat kasus ujaran kebencian terhadap anggota Koalisi Elemen Bela NKRI pada tahun 2018.

Dia mengucapkan kata "idiot" di video blognya yang diunggah di laman Instagram, usai dihadang anggota Koalisi Elemen Bela NKRI. Saat itu Dhani hendak melakukan deklarasi #2019GantiPresiden di Hotel Majapahit, Surabaya.

Dhani menyatakan akan tetap berada di dunia politik dan mendukung Prabowo Subianto menjadi presiden usai bebas dari penjara.

"Langkah ke depan saya adalah saya tetap dalam dunia politik mendukung Bapak Prabowo menjadi presiden di masa depan," katanya.(

from Berita Heboh

Ahmad Dhani Salam 2 Jari Usai Bebas, NasDem Berikan Sindiran Telak!

13.43 - Partai NasDem merasa kasihan karena Ahmad Dhani masih mengacungkan salam dua jari usai keluar dari Rutan Cipinang. Dhani pun disebut belum paham politik.

"Kasihan saja sih. Sepertinya belum paham dunia politik," kata Ketua DPP Partai NasDem Irma Suryani Chaniago kepada wartawan, Senin (30/12/2019).

Salam dua jari yang menggunakan jempol dan telunjuk pada Pilpres 2019 lalu identik dengan salam yang digunakan Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno. Ahmad Dhani diketahui merupakan politikus Partai Gerindra dan mendukung pasangan nomor urut 02 itu.

Kembali ke salam dua jari Dhani, menurut Irma, Dhani arogan karena kurang ilmu dan tidak mau belajar. Irma pun meminta Dhani belajar dari Ketum Gerindra Prabowo Subianto yang menurutnya adalah orang berilmu.

"Maklum, kadang-kadang karena kurang ilmu dan tidak mau belajar, orang jadi arogan dan tidak mau introspeksi. Pak Prabowo adalah contoh orang yang berilmu dan sadar diri," ujarnya.

Irma pun menyarankan Dhani kembali ke dunia musik dan tidak lagi terjun ke politik. Menurutnya, suami Mulan Jameela itu tidak berbakat di dunia politik yang sangat dinamis.

"Sebaiknya Dhani kembali ke musik saja, karena passion dia memang di situ. Nggak bakat jadi org politik, karena sejatinya politik itu dinamis dan orang politik harus selalu merestorasi diri untuk kepentingan bangsa dan negara, bukan cuma bicara diri sendiri dan kelompok," kata Irma.

Sebelumnya, Ahmad Dhani hari ini resmi bebas setelah menjalani pidana penjara dalam kasus ujaran kebencian. Dhani keluar dari Rutan Cipinang, Jalan Bekasi Timur Raya, Jakarta Timur, pukul 09.33 WIB.

Dhani bersama Mulan kemudian menaiki Unimog untuk menuju kediamannya di Pondok Indah. Dia sempat menyapa pendukung dan mengacungkan dua jari.( Asli)

from Berita Heboh